
Pretty Good House

Pretty Good House

Book by Michael Maines



Publisher : Taunton Press (July 26, 2022) Language : English Hardcover : 256 pages ISBN-10 : 1641551658 ISBN-13 : 978-1641551656 Item Weight : 2.25 pounds Dimensions : 8.5 x 0.75 x 11 inches Best Sellers Rank: #20,813 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #2 in Sustainability & Green Design #9 in Residential Architecture #14 in Home Design & Construction (Books) , Pretty Good House provides a framework and set of guidelines for building or renovating a high-performance home that focus on its inhabitants and the environment―but keeps in mind that few people have pockets deep enough to achieve a “perfect” solution. The essential idea is for homeowners to work within their financial and practical constraints both to meet their own needs and do as much for the planet as possible .   A Pretty Good House is:  * A house that's as small as possible  *   Simple and durable, but also well designed  * I nsulated and air-sealed    * Above all, it is affordable, healthy, responsible, and resilient. Read more



I first heard of the Pretty Good House (PGH) concept through the Fine Homebuilding podcast. I wanted a small, high-performance house, but that's not what gets built on spec in the US. I liked what I was seeing in FHB, but a lot of it seemed to be focused on acquiring certifications like Passive House. It was clear to me that going after these certs doesn't necessarily make economic or practical sense. It's great for rich people who want to brag to their rich friends about how 'green' their 8000 sq ft. house is, but that ain't me, and it's probably not you either. The PGH saved me from despair. Finally, knowledgeable people talking about building reasonably-sized, high-performance houses for normal people with real budgets! It made me think maybe what I wanted was possible after all. I was very eager for the release of this book, and my enthusiasm has been rewarded. I am impressed that the authors managed to address two audiences, both PGH-curious builders and potential homeowners. I can't validate that this was 100% successful since I'm not a builder, but the level of technical detail provided was very welcome to me as someone who wants to understand the why and how of all aspects of a PGH. In contrast to Sarah Susanka's "Not So Big House," which I found to be largely a disappointing piece of fluff (with pretty pictures of many not so "not so big" houses), the PGH book has a very satisfying level of technical heft to go with its pretty pics. It feels like a successful distillation of the years of great knowledge accumulated and shared among the Green Building Advisor and BS & Beer crowd. It was thoughtful to include nods to Pretty Good Remodeling, but that aspect of the book is definitely very underdeveloped. That's OK, because that topic is ripe for its own book. There has got to be as much, or maybe more, to learn and to know to get a PGRe(tm) right. If you are interested in houses that deliver comfort, durability, and environmental sensitivity, and incorporate the best that modern building science can provide, this book is for you, whether you are a homeowner or a builder. If you are a 'greener than thou' extremist or a tract-house developer who only cares about $/sq ft., you may not like this book, but you should still read it for perspective. In my opinion the PGH is the future of homebuilding, but for it to truly become mainstream a lot of constituencies need to be educated. Consumers, especially those with the ability to buy new, need to think beyond square footage and 'features' and see the value in comfort, durability, and sustainability. More spec builders need to take the lead, build a little bit better, and educate their customers, instead of unfairly blaming the consumer for wanting code minimum mediocrity. Mortgage lenders and the appraisal industry both need a giant smack upside the head so they will start valuing the quality of a house's structure, not just the number of bedrooms, baths, and square feet. There's a lot of work to do, but this book illuminates the path and explains why it's important. Congratulations and Bravo to the whole team for getting this book out. It's a beautiful, well-written and informative artifact that the world (or at least the US) needs.






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